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Find Superior Service with Our Chiropractors in Watford and Hemel Hempstead

Award Winning Care at Summit Chiropractic

Patient Testimonial PhotoDr. Sophie and James McDermott are the proud practice owners of Summit Chiropractic established in 2016. They chose the name Summit because they see health like being a mountain climb, health is something we continuously need to work on. Their mission is to help you reach the peak of your health. This means living your life to its fullest and to be functioning at your best.

Summit Chiropractic has won multiple awards for their high levels of customer service. Their friendly team will make sure you are comfortable and in the right place to get help. Most importantly, they are there to listen to you and make sure your issues and concerns are acknowledged and addressed.

“We invest our time and energy because we genuinely care about you. Getting you healthy now and keeping you that way for years to come is our job. We’re building a long-term relationship with your best health and wellness in mind”. – Dr. James McDermott D.C.